KS4 Curriculum - Edexcel B

I have had the fortune, or misfortune, of teaching all of the following exam boards: AQA, OCR B, EDEXCEL B and Eduqas A. EDEXCEL B is the only board that my school has managed to keep for more than one year (2 years!!), but I can say that it is the best exam specification I have taught and I am very sad to see it going.

These are the reasons that, in my opinion, EDEXCEL is great, then at the bottom you'll see links to the lessons by topic, which may or may not be helpful.

1. The first reason is that the content can be completed well within the 2 years.
2. Skills are embedded within the specification and along with the teaching guides for each topic, it advises which skills can be put where and how to teach it best. This has made planning much easier.
3. There are only 3 case studies and these can cross over with other content, which I made sure was the case, so that knowledge was built upon and around these topics and case studies.
4. There are no 6 mark questions and there are still multiple choice questions.
5. there are only 12 command words, each have a tariff and explanation about how to answer them and where they will come up in the exam.
6. There are no changes to the fieldwork element each year, so you don't have to re-plan, just master your work.
7. You can clarify anything with an advisor within minutes.
8. They provide exams for those that are colourblind.
9. The exams are in themes - global, UK and decision making, so there's less confusion over which case studies and examples go where.
10. There are less 'options' in the papers - in fact, there's only the fieldwork section which is an option coasts/rivers, urban/rural, so less mistakes are made here.
11. Students with EAL and low reading ages, EHCP, or SEN have shown to respond better to the specification. We now get much less ungraded examples and more 4+ work being produced.
12. It links in really well with EDEXCEL maths and science, which is currently followed in school.

Now for the resources:

Topic 1: Hazardous Earth here
Topic 2: Development Dynamics here
Topic 3: An Urbanising World here and here for video lessons
Topic 4:
Topic 5: UK human landscapes here
Topic 6:
Topic 7: forests under threat (Taiga) Here
Topic 8: conserving energy Here
Fieldwork: Urban can be found here
Virtual fieldwork can be found here
Distance fieldwork examples (to have a go at before doing your fieldwork) here:
Command words here:

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